Friday, September 17, 2010

Textbook of medical physiology 11th Ed.

Author : Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall
Publisher : Elsevier, Book Aid International, Sabre Foundation, 2006
Contents :

Introduction to Physiology the Cell and General Physiology
Functional Organization of the Human Body and Control of the “Internal Environment”
The Cell and Its Functions
Genetic Control of Protein Synthesis, Cell Function, and Cell Reproduction

Membrane Physiology, Nerve, and Muscle
Transport of Substances Through the Cell Membrane
Membrane Potentials and Action Potentials
Contraction of Skeletal Muscle
Excitation of Skeletal Muscle: Neuromuscular Transmission and Excitation-Contraction Coupling
Contraction and Excitation of Smooth Muscle

The Heart
Heart Muscle; The Heart as a Pump and Function of the Heart Valves
Rhythmical Excitation of the Heart
The Normal Electrocardiogram
Electrocardiographic Interpretation of Cardiac Muscle and Coronary Blood Flow Abnormalities: Vectorial Analysis
Cardiac Arrhythmias and Their Electrocardiographic Interpretation

The Circulation
Overview of the Circulation; Medical Physics of Pressure, Flow, and Resistance
Vascular Distensibility and Functions of the Arterial and Venous Systems
The Microcirculation and the Lymphatic System: Capillary Fluid Exchange, Interstitial Fluid, and Lymph Flow
Local and Humoral Control of Blood Flow by the Tissues
Nervous Regulation of the Circulation, and Rapid Control of Arterial Pressure
Dominant Role of the Kidney in Long-Term Regulation of Arterial Pressure and in Hypertension: The Integrated System for Pressure Control
Cardiac Output, Venous Return, and Their Regulation
Muscle Blood Flow and Cardiac Output During Exercise; the Coronary Circulation and Ischemic Heart Disease
Cardiac Failure
Heart Valves and Heart Sounds; Dynamics of Valvular and Congenital Heart Defects
Circulatory Shock and Physiology of Its Treatment

The Body Fluids and Kidneys
The Body Fluid Compartments: Extracellular and Intracellular Fluids; Interstitial Fluid and Edema
Urine Formation by the Kidneys: I. Glomerular Filtration, Renal Blood Flow, and Their Control
Urine Formation by the Kidneys: II. Tubular Processing of the Glomerular Filtrate
Regulation of Extracellular Fluid Osmolarity and Sodium ConcentrationRenal Regulation of Potassium, Calcium, Phosphate, and Magnesium; Integration of Renal Mechanisms for Control of Blood Volume and Extracellular Fluid Volume
Regulation of Acid-Base Balance
Kidney Diseases and Diuretics

 Blood Cells, Immunity, and Blood Clotting
Red Blood Cells, Anemia, and Polycythemia
Resistance of the Body to Infection: I. Leukocytes, Granulocytes, the Monocyte-Macrophage System, and Inflammation
Resistance of the Body to Infection: II. Immunity and Allergy
Blood Types; Transfusion; Tissue and Organ Transplantation
Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation

Pulmonary Ventilation
Pulmonary Circulation, Pulmonary Edema, Pleural Fluid
Physical Principles of Gas Exchange; Diffusion of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Through the Respiratory Membrane
Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in Blood and Tissue Fluids
Regulation of Respiration
Respiratory Insufficiency—Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Oxygen Therapy

Aviation, Space, and Deep-Sea Diving Physiology

Aviation, Space, and Deep-Sea Diving Physiology
Physiology of Deep-Sea Diving and Other Hyperbaric Conditions

The Nervous System: A. General Principles and Sensory Physiology
Organization of the Nervous System, Basic Functions of Synapses, “Transmitter Substances”
Sensory Receptors, Neuronal Circuits for Processing Information
Somatic Sensations: I. General Organization, the Tactile and Position Senses
Somatic Sensations: II. Pain, Headache, and Thermal Sensations

    The Nervous System: B. TheSpecial Senses
    The Eye: I. Optics of Vision
    The Eye: II. Receptor and Neural Function of the Retina
    The Eye: III. Central Neurophysiology of Vision
    The Sense of Hearing
    The Chemical Senses—Taste and Smell

    The Nervous System: C. Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology
    Motor Functions of the Spinal Cord; the Cord Reflexes
    Cortical and Brain Stem Control of Motor Function
    Contributions of the Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia to Overall Motor Control
    Cerebral Cortex, Intellectual Functions of the Brain, Learning and Memory
    Behavioral and Motivational Mechanisms of the Brain—The Limbic System and the Hypothalamus
    States of Brain Activity—Sleep, Brain Waves, Epilepsy, Psychoses
    Autonomic Nervous System and the Adrenal Medulla
    Cerebral Blood Flow, Cerebrospinal Fluid, and Brain Metabolism

    Gastrointestinal Physiology
    General Principles of Gastrointestinal Function—Motility, Nervous Control, and Blood Circulation
    Propulsion and Mixing of Food in the Alimentary Tract
    Secretory Functions of the Alimentary Tract
    Digestion and Absorption in the Gastrointestinal Tract
    Physiology of Gastrointestinal Disorders

    Metabolism and Temperature Regulation
    Metabolism of Carbohydrates, and Formation of Adenosine Triphosphate
    Lipid Metabolism
    Protein Metabolism
    The Liver as an Organ
    Dietary Balances; Regulation of Feeding;Obesity and Starvation; Vitamins and Minerals
    Energetics and Metabolic Rate
    Body Temperature, Temperature Regulation, and Fever

    Endocrinology and Reproduction
    Introduction to Endocrinology
    Pituitary Hormones and Their Control by the Hypothalamus
    Thyroid Metabolic Hormones
    Adrenocortical Hormones
    Insulin, Glucagon, and Diabetes Mellitus
    Parathyroid Hormone, Calcitonin, Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism, Vitamin D, Bone, and Teet
    Reproductive and Hormonal Functions of the Male
    Female Physiology Before Pregnancy and the Female Hormones
    Pregnancy and Lactation
    Fetal and Neonatal Physiology

    Sports Physiology

    Friday, February 26, 2010

    Foundations of Emergency Care

    Authors : Cliff Evans and Emma Tippins
    Published : The McGraw Hill Company, 2007
    Contents :
    1. Introduction to emergency care, Download Here
    2. The initial assessment: prioritizing care delivery,. Download Here
    3. Acute cardiac emergencies: implications in clinical practice. Download Here
    4. Minor injury and illness. Download Here
    5. Major trauma: assessment prioritization and initial treatment. Download Here
    6. Gynaecological and obstetric emergencies. Download Here
    7. Acute surgical emergencies. Download Here
    8. Head injuries. Download Here
    9. Respiratory emergencies. Download Here
    10. Medical emergencies. Download Here
    11. Paediatric emergencies. Download Here

    Friday, January 15, 2010

    Intesive Care Nursing (Asuhan Keperawatan Intensif)

    Authors : Philip Woodrow
    Publisher : Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2004
    Contents :
    1. Fundamental aspects of ICU nursing : Nursing perspectives, Humanism,  Sensory imbalance, Artificial ventilation, Airway management, Sedation,  Pain management, Pyrexia and temperature control, Nutrition, Mouthcare, Eyecare, Skincare, Paediatric admissions to adult ICUs, Older adults in ICU, Infection control, Ethics
    2. Monitoring : Respiratory monitoring. Gas carriage, Acid-base balance and arterial blood gases, Haemodynamic monitoringECGs and dysrhythmias. Neurological monitoring and intracranial hypertension
    3. Pathophysiology and treatments : Cellular pathology, Acute myocardial infarction, Shock, Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome, Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), Nitric oxide, Alternative ventilatory modes, Cardiac surgery, Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), Acute renal failure, Fluids, Inotropes, Haemofiltration, Gastrointestinal bleeds, Pancreatitis, Neurological pathologies, Hepatic failure, Immunity, Ecstasy overdoses, Obstetric emergencies in ICU, Transplants, Hepatic transplants
    4. Developing practiceProfessionalism, Stress management, Complementary therapies, Managing change, Managing the ICU, Cost of intensive care

    Saturday, January 2, 2010

    Netter's Atlas of Human Physiology

    Authors : John T. Hansen & Bruce M. Koeppen
    Publishers : 2002, Elsevier Health Sciences
    Download Link : Klik Here 
    Password File : Klik Here

    Basics of Wound Care

    Authors :  Nadine B. Semer MD, FACS
    Publisher : Global-HELP.Organization, 2003
    Download Link : Klik Here
    Password File : Klik Here

    Cardiac Nursing

    Authors : Susan L. Woods, Erika S. Sivarajan Froelicher, Sandra Adams Motzer
    Publisher :  Lippincot Williams & Wilkins, 2000
    Download Link : Klik Here 
    Password File : Klik Here

    Basic Concepts of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 6th ed

    Authors :  Shives, Louise Rebraca
    Publisher : 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
    Download Link : Klik Here
    Password File : Klik Here

    Atlas of Adult Physical Diagnosis, 1st Edition

     Penulis (Authors) : Berg, Dale; Worzala, Katherine
    Penerbit (Publisher): Copyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
    Download Link : Klik Here
    Password File : Klik Here