Monday, November 17, 2014

Trauma Care: Initial Assesment and Management in Emergency Department

Penulis: Elaine Cole MSc, BSc & Pg Dip (ed), RGN
Penerbit:  A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Publication
Link Download: Klik Disini

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Emerys Elements of Medical Genetics 13th Edition

Link Download: KLIK DISINI

Molecular Biology of the Gene 7th Edition

Authors: James D. Watson, Tania A. Baker, Stephen P. Bell, Alexander Gann, Michael Levine, Richard Losick
Publisher:  Benjamin Cummings; 7 edition (March 2, 2013)
Download Link: 

Medical Genetic: Integrated Approach

Authors:  G. Bradley Schaefer, MD; James N. Thompson, Jr., PhD
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education 2014
Link Download: KLIK DISINI

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Handbook of ICU Therapy 2nd Ed

Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2006
  • Basic principles: Cardiac function, monitoring, oxygen transport, Shock, Oxygen therapy, Central venous access, Fluid therapy in ICU, Anaemia and blood transfusion, Nutrition, Non-invasive mechanical ventilation, Principles of IPPV, Modes of ventilation and ventilatory strategies, Weaning and tracheostomy, Vasoactive drugs, Infection and infection control, Sedation, analgesia and neuromuscular blockade, Continuous renal replacement therapy, Withholding and withdrawing therapy in the ICU 
  • Specific problems: The surgical patient in the ICU, The trauma patient, Acute coronary syndromes,  Heart failure, Arrhythmias, The patient with sepsis, Acute renal failure in the critically ill, Acute lung injury and ARDS, The patient with gastrointestinal problems, The comatose patient, The critically ill asthmatic, The critically ill diabetic, The cardiac surgical patient in the ICU, Cardiac arrest 
Link Download: CLICK HERE